
IMPORTANT REMINDER: This page is best viewed with Google Chrome browser and it is not accessible through the Public Menu. Please bookmark or set this page as your default homepage. Keep your password/s SAFE at all times and change password regularly. Do not SAVE your login credentials and DO NOT connect to unsecured and public access points. Always check, when clicking the following LINKS, that it should show same as the screenshot below with GREEN PADLOCK and https text. Do NOT click on any LINK or type your login credentials if you are NOT sure that the site is real (certified https) and secured. For tech assistance, please email: [email protected]

Legacy FA Systems

ePFR System

e-PFR System: | For LFA TechSupport, please call: +(65) 6980 6590


LFA Webmail: webmail LegacyFA | For LFA TechSupport, please call: +(65) 6980 6590

LFA Submission System

Case Submission: | For LFA TechSupport, please call: +(65) 6980 6590


Docusign : docusign | For LFA TechSupport, please call: +(65) 6980 6590

Life Insurance Partners

Singlife Pocket SQS

Contact Centre Hotline: +(65)6827-9955
Email: singlifeonline_[email protected]


Link : Income URL
If you encounter any issue with your login please email your queries to [email protected]
or contact 31588500


This site is best viewed at 1024 X 768 screen resolution with any of the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Chrome Browser, Safari Browser on iOS9 or above

Singlife Online (SOL)

Contact Centre Hotline: +(65)6827-9955
Email: singlifeonline_[email protected]

LIC BI System

Benefits Illustration System

Tokio Marine

(IT Helpdesk Hotline: +(65)6592-6200 or contact BDM: +(65)8182-2707)


iFAST website

GI Links

Chubb Insurance

SME Select+ e-Placement: (works for both Google Chrome and IE)
  • Submit and issue SME business insurance packages for Property all risks, Public Liability and Work Injury Compensation.
  • Pass endorsements and make cancellations.
  • Retrieve schedules, policy wordings, WIC cover note, etc.

Chubb Insurance

Travel CRS: for both Google Chrome and IE)

Travel CRS is auto-deactivated after every 90 days of inactivity – just reach out to IDP SG directly to reactivate account.
  • Purchase Travel Pro Enhanced with payment gateway.
  • Pass endorsements: change of address, personal details, policy cancellation, etc.

Chubb Insurance

Producer Hub: (works for only Google Chrome)

• Purchase Simply Home Enhanced with payment gateway.
• Submit Masterpiece for underwriting.
• Purchase A&H products under Care Programme with payment gateway.

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Living Life.
Touching Lives.

Contact Info

201 Henderson Road, #02-09 Singapore 159545

(+65) 6980 6601

[email protected]

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00

Useful Links